Unexpected Consequences
Friday, January 2, 2009
One of the most fulfilling aspects of the minimalist holiday was taking the time to focus--to coin a cliche--on the important things. But one unexpected consequence of doing that for an entire week is that one becomes less tolerant of the unimportant things afterward. Case in point would be my blogging. Every post I try to write these days seems frivolous and strained--an indulgence in unadulterated hackery, if you will. And every single post I've written before now looks pretty much the same to me. So, since the blog isn't currently a remunerative element of the Some of Nothing empire, and since the cause of karmic justice is hardly served through gibberish, updates to the SoN blog will be sporadic for a while.
Carry on.
Nothing New byslag
12:04 PM
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