Quiet Boredom

Day 3 of jury duty.  Sitting in the jury box reminds me of sitting in class in college.  A lot of attempting to memorize mundane details, engaging in real-time analysis, and forcing myself to not look bored when things start to get repetitive.  Mostly, I try to prevent myself from laughing out loud when somebody says something I find funny.  Today, the use of the word "odyssey" almost broke me.  But I bit my tongue*.  Nobody uses that word in real life unless they're intentionally being either hyperbolic or humorous.  Nobody except for lawyers, I guess.

Anecdote of the Day (a newly official Some of Nothing feature for this week of legal purgatory): MFP and I were canvassing for Obama this weekend and encountered a pleasantly chatty woman in the neighborhood we were working.  She used to live in Alaska, and she is no fan of Sarah Palin.  She said that Palin's known for being everybody's buddy on a superficial level but that she's pretty ruthless, especially when it concerns women's rights.  I remarked that GW had a similar reputation for friendliness, and she responded that she partied with GW once back in the 70's and that he was a total bore--no one liked him.  Apparently, the woman withheld her observation of GW's dullness when the NYT contacted her to inquire about his drug use, because she didn't really want her name in the papers.  No surprise there.  Along with quiet storms and quiet desperation, our lives are filled with quiet boredom.

*UPDATE: I am reminded that this expression is a cliche.  But in my defense, I meant it literally.  When I am about to laugh at inappropriate moments, I do, in fact, bite my tongue in order to prevent it.  It works some of the time.

Nothing New byslag at 12:19 PM

3 dispense karmic justice! (or just comment here):

Gye Greene said...

I have a hunch I'll never be allowed on jury duty: Even if I get ''invited'', I've heard that they screen out cops and families of cops. ''Criminologists'' might be near enough that I'd be ineligible as well.

Good job on the paying attention. Does everyone else seem to be doing likewise?


A.F. said...

"I remarked that GW had a similar reputation for friendliness, and she responded that she partied with GW once back in the 70's and that he was a total bore--no one liked him."

I digress here, but I've always wondered how young GW--a rich, spoiled, coked up alcoholic happened to avoid sex scandals. I've wondered if the women with whom he was unfaithful to Laura were threatened or even eliminated. Could it actually be that he was just too boring and dumb to attract women (or men)? Wow.

Gye Greene said...

Maybe he was a druggie partier -- but faithful?

Could be.


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