Other People's Genius: Humorous Weirdness Edition

I keep meaning to do serious stuff today (because there is much serious stuff to be done), but psilocynic tipped me off to this hilarious video and I couldn't resist. I was prepared to turn my nose up. Instead I laughed myself to tears:

See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

How can someone have a head that large without anything in it?

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Nothing New byslag at 2:31 PM

2 dispense karmic justice! (or just comment here):

WNG said...

"How can someone have a head that large without anything in it?"

That is the funniest question EVER! Laugh out loud at work so that everyone stops what they're doing and looks at you like you're crazy funny.

slag said...

It cracked me up too! The first time I showed it to the Mr., he had tears of laughter in his eyes. No matter how many times O'Reilly gets called stupid, I just can't get enough. So true. I only wish our society didn't continually reward such stupidity.

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