McCain Republican Talking Points Comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Mr. and I have been talking lately about comments he's been seeing on blogs and news sites. Having recently joined the Some of Nothing Karmic Justice League in earnest, he's been going online and fighting the good fight in comments sections across the land. I try to keep him from getting all extracurricular about it since he's generally wasting his time, but he's sometimes more optimistic about people than I am. And he's good at talking to people on their own individual levels. I have no such skill.
Interestingly, the Mr. has said multiple times now that there must be some sort of concerted effort to get Republicans to post comments on these sites. He's been struck by the consistency of the misinformation found in them and by the overall lack of spelling ability. Having discussed it several times, I told him I'd post on it if I ever found any facts to support it. Well, facts are found on the John McCain website, apparently:
John McCain to unleash 101st Fighting Keyboarders - Concern Troll Division:John McCain's campaign is using their campaign website to encourage supporters to post supportive comments on political blogs, including the most well-known liberal site in the blogosphere. And to make things easier, they're including talking points with which sympathizers can use to get out the McCain message.
If I were a gambling person, I would bet a lot on the notion that McCain's fighting keyboarders are just the beginning of seriously organized Republican infiltration of comments sections everywhere. I strongly suspect that either the RNC or some 527s are employing the same strategery using a much more negative message. The words "socialist," "Marxist," and "Muslim" are coming up far too often in both general news and liberal blogs sections everywhere to be just a bunch of average morons mindlessly repeating talking points. It seems too concerted and intentional. And if I were a conspiracy theorist, I would suggest that some comments coming from people supposedly supporting Clinton or those supposedly supporting Obama are actually part of the program. Since Republicans recognize that they have absolutely nothing at all to say in favor of themselves, their only recourse is character assassination. And what better way for Repubchickens--unable to abandon their fetal blogging positions--to go about it than to hide behind a hillaryis44 alias?
I'd pay to find out more about this.
Nothing New byslag
2:27 PM
2 dispense karmic justice! (or just comment here):
The Mr. [...] Having recently joined the Some of Nothing Karmic Justice League in earnest...
Can you plz post a sketch of his costume? (And: What's his super-hero name?)
[...]there must be some sort of concerted effort to get Republicans to post comments on these sites. He's been struck [...] by the overall lack of spelling ability.
Was that juxtapositioning **intended** to be funny? 'Cause it was. :)
GG: His costume is usually a pocket t-shirt or short-sleeve button-down (no tie, of course) and some baggy pants. The typical slacker geek ensemble.
Indeed, the juxtaposition represents reality, which happens to be funny.
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