Don't Phase Me, Bro: Geek Factor 5, Captain

What would a redshirt wear to a John Kerry event? Also, how geeky is too geeky?

We're pretty sure there's some karmic justice in here somewhere. Either way, when you think these things up, how can you not execute them?

Personal note: One time I took one of those "which sci-fi character are you?" tests, and interestingly, the top two characters were from Star Trek. I came out as Jean-Luc Picard at the top, but the very next one (only 5 points fewer) was "disposable redshirt." I always enjoy thinking about that disparity, because it seems like on any given day (depending on mood and circumstances), I could either be the captain of a starship or the person whose job it is to get killed so the important people don't have to. I wonder which I am today.

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Nothing New byslag at 8:42 PM

4 dispense karmic justice! (or just comment here):

psilocynic said...

OMG! I'm Wesley Crusher

slag said...

Psilocynic: That's awesome! Smart kid, that Wesley was.

Gye Greene said...

Great shirt!!!


Gye Greene said...

I Googled, and took one o' them diagnostic quizzes.

I'm Galadriel -- some LOTR character -- -- boor-ring!!!

Word verification: "Kkzaa!" (Kinda like "Shazam!"


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